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About the Plan

The Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG), in conjunction with the City of San Antonio, is working to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improving our region’s climate sustainability and resilience. $1 million was awarded to the City of San Antonio from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant. The grant will be used for the Alamo Area Climate Plan.

The Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) will lead the effort to expand the geographical scope of climate planning and action with the development of the Alamo Area Climate Plan, which will cover AACOG’s 13-county service area. This plan is expected to be completed by late summer 2025.

The focus will be on prioritizing emissions reduction strategies that can be implemented regionally across six key areas: electricity generation, industry, transportation, buildings, agriculture/natural/working lands, and waste management. The Office of S

Make Your Voice Heard

To create a comprehensive and meaningful climate plan, we need your ideas! Share your thoughts on how we improve our community.

A Timline of the plan development process.

Project Partners

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